Hello. I'm glad you want to know more about me

My name is Danilo Olivaz, I’m 28 years old, and I am a connector of people, ideas, and creative flows.

I was born in the outskirts of São Paulo, and my life was transformed through extraordinary educational opportunities, including scholarships to:

I ended up not completing these degrees and since 2015 I have been a digital nomad. Since 2017, I have been a netweaver, freelancer, and independent researcher/explorer of the Complexity Science - initializing the Emergir Portal. Since 2020, I have been a father, a neo-rural maker, and an instructor of projects and paradigms in digital education platforms. Recently, I have embraced the role of an amateur artist, self-identifying as a Symborg. And as of February 14, 2023, I am a Physics undergraduate student at IFPR.

My current horizon is a path of self-development anchored in the connection with nature - both within and without. Through this journey, I aspire to learn to listen to those entities (human or non-human) that are often deprived of voice and value in today’s complex reality. It is my hope to intervene in a transformative way by cross-pollinating essences.

Below you'll find a list of activities, talks and research that I've participated in

Growing of Symbiotic New Senses for Humans (2022-2023)

Interactive Fiction selected to be part of the digital exhibition "Habitar as Ruínas - invenções e fabulações dos mundos por vir (2021)"

A couple of thoughts on Networks and Complexity, in 6 minutes (2020)

A Co-research I've weaved, in 56 minutes (2019)

A bit about me, in 1 min (2019)

Some things I have helped build, in 6 minutes (2019)

full interview here.

Some of my thinking, in 14 minutes (2018)

A bit of my motivations and backstory, in 18 minutes (2018)

🇧🇷Alguns pensamentos a respeito de sistemas e complexidade, em 22 minutos (2018)

Para mais informações sobre mim você pode conferir as outras páginas desse site ou

entrar em contato para uma conversa :)

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